the eaves board mould is a kind of plastic mould commonly used in highway. generally, the use of eaves board mould is based on the steps of prefabricated block making, such as brushing oil, vibration, air drying, demoulding and so on. these steps are summarized according to the production mode of other small prefabricated blocks, and are suitable for making prefabricated blocks of various plastic moulds. the eaves die is manufactured under the order production mode, but the conventional eaves die is in stock. according to the current usage of eaves board moulds, most of the orders are 50-300 pieces, and there is no special large quantity. because the whole highway is divided into several sections, each section is made of a limited number of prefabricated eaves board, so the use of moulds is limited.
the eaves die is a kind of die product widely used in building materials engineering. there are certain production requirements and precautions for the selection and manufacture of raw materials, because it is related to the quality and performance of the whole die. mould production must have good machinability, most of which are completed by mechanical processing. good machinability is the necessary condition to achieve high-speed machining. it can prolong the life of cutting tools, improve cutting performance, reduce surface roughness and produce high-precision dies.
模具(mú jù),工业生产上用以 注塑、 吹塑、 挤出、 压铸或 锻压成型、 冶炼、 冲压等方法得到所需产品的各种模子和工具。 简而言之,模具是用来制作成型物品的工具,这种工具由各种零件 构成,不同的模具由不同的零件构成。它主要通过所成型材料物理状态的改变来实现物品外形的加工。素有\u201c工业之母\u201d的称号。
【词目】屋檐 【读音】wū yán 【释义】房屋前后坡的边缘部分(俗称瓦檐),民间俗语(挑檐),即房檐。 【出处】唐·韩愈《赴江陵途中寄三学士》诗:“白日屋檐下,双鸣鬭鸺鶹。” 唐·白居易《晏起》诗:“鸟鸣庭树上,日照屋檐时。” 【示例】明·郎瑛《七修类稿·诗文三·切对》:“‘屋檐下天灯,楼板上地铺。’可谓天生切对也。” 杨朔《征尘》:“我们来到一所简陋的土房前,伸一伸手,我准可以摸到屋檐。”